特大房出租. Extra large bedroom for rent.

三藩市訪谷區. 地點好. 交通方便. 近餐館,輕鐵和公共汽車站.
Top floor large bedroom for rent. Share kitchen and bathroom.

Available now.

- 地點好. 交通方便. Convenient location.
- 近輕鐵和公共汽車. Near public transportation and dinning.
- 房客付電和水費. Landlord pays garbage.
- 有洗衣機和乾衣機. Laundry in building
- 一個月保證金. One month deposit
- 屋內禁止抽煙. Looking for non-smoking and respectful tenants with good credit.

微信: unclelam916

To apply, please click here.